Linen Lady knows Temple Weddings

Linen Lady knows Temple Weddings

Linen Lady specializes in Temple weddings. We are familiar with all the ins and outs of getting ready for you temple sealing and planning your one-of-a-kind wedding reception. Whether you choose to have a "Cultural Hall" wedding, or use one of San Diego's exceptional venues, we are here for you! From start to finish, Linen Lady can guide you through the process. We have found that many brides and grooms are caught by surprise on their wedding day because no one has explained all the details about appropriate dress, what goes on right before the Sealing, what happens after, where does your family meet you...etc.  

Linen Lady is here for you. Having gone through our own weddings, our children's and siblings weddings, we are more than qualified to help you plan and organize your event. Reach out to Linen Lady today!

Photography credit: Photos by Salome

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